Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Slip out the back Jack

Slip out the  back Jack, make a new plan Stan, don't need to be coy Roy, just set yourself free.....

There are many reasons to want to hold on to a relationship, most of which revolve around our feelings, but do our feelings, or emotions, always lead us to the good decisions for ourselves?  Not always....more often than not, when we think with our heart we are leaving out the body part that is really most capable of making good decisions.

For as many reasons as there are to want to hang onto a partner, there are probably more reasons as to why we should not.  Sometimes we don't recognize the reasons, sometimes we do and simply don't know how to "slip out the back".  This will be a forum to both help you recognize and provide the ways to help you get out of that relationship that just doesn't work....for either of you.

Day 1-  
Make a list....actually, make two lists.  Cliche for sure, but when in doubt, the old Pro vs. Con list comes through in a pinch.  The trick to this list is being honest with yourself as you make it, as well as be fair to your partner.  Noting on the list that your significant other didn't go for a walk in the park with you is only valid if you asked them to join you and told them how much it would mean.  You cannot fault someone for not being able to read your mind.  Once you have completed your list, go through it and circle the "deal breakers", the things that matter most.

Give your list a lot of thought and check back tomorrow for Day 2 on how to evaluate the list, and the next steps in fulfilling your needs.   

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